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April 08, 2010

10 Most useful Excel Keyboard Commands

The shortcuts

Action Shortcut
Insert a new line within a cell[Alt] [Enter]
Enable editing within a cell [F2]
Add a comment to a cell[Shift] [F2]
Open Print Preview[Ctrl] [F2]
Fill selected cells with an entry you typed in one cell [Ctrl] [Enter]
Fill data down or to the right through selected cells[Ctrl] D or [Ctrl ] R
Create a name[Ctrl [F3]
Insert the current date or timeCtrl] and ; (semicolon) or Ctrl and : (colon)
Create a chart from a range of data[F11]
Toggle the display of formulas[Ctrl] ~

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*☺☺ हंस लें थोड़ा सा ☺☺* एक दिन एक बहुत बड़े कजूंस  के घर में कोई मेहमान आया! कजूंस ने अपने बेटे से कहा "आधा किलो बेहतरीन मिठाई ले आओ।...